Monksmead School

Respect, Reflect, Believe, Succeed

Welcome to Year Two


Teacher : Mrs Strugnell and Mr Murrin
Support staff: Mrs Pasarica, Miss White, Miss Richings


Autumn Term in Year 2


Welcome back!


I can’t believe that we have only been back at school a few days and the children are already in the swing of things! I just know that we have a fantastic year of learning ahead of us. Please read through the information for some idea of how the school day and week will be organised.  Additional information about the curriculum and timetable is available on the website.


This year, Mr Murrin will be teaching the class on Mondays and Tuesdays, whilst Mrs Strugnell will teach the remaining three days.



Please continue to listen to your children read every day.  In school, each child will read individually with Mrs P at least once a week and their reading will continue to be supported by daily phonic sessions following the ELS programme as in Year 1 and then whole class Guided Reading sessions once the programme has been completed.



PE lessons will take place every Tuesday and Thursday. On Thursday, PE will take place in the hall whilst on Tuesday our lessons will take place outside, weather permitting.  Please make sure your child has the appropriate PE kit and footwear and that they are labelled.



Homework will be handed out every Thursday and will usually consist of a Maths and a spelling or handwriting activity. The homework needs to be handed back in on the Monday.  Homework is a way of consolidating the children’s learning – and letting you know what we have been up to!.



Please make sure that your child has a named water bottle in school so that they can keep hydrated during the day.  For hygiene reasons we cannot provide cups for the children, so it is very important that they have their own water bottle. 


Thank you for your support. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to speak to me or one of the other adults in Year 2.


Many Thanks,


Mrs Strugnell, Mr Murrin and Mrs P.



Year 2 Timetable Autumn 2024

Phonics and Reading

In Year 2, the children continue to build on the skills they have learnt whilst using the Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) phonics programme in Reception and Year 1.

Children will read individually each week and will be given a phonetically decodable book to read and practise.   One the children have completed the ELS scheme, they move on to using the Collins Big Cats reading scheme.

To support their love of reading, children will also be encouraged to choose a 'sharing book' - this is a book that may or may not be fully decodable but can be enjoyed with parents and family members as a book to read together.


Science Knowledge Organisers  - Autumn 2024

 Knowledge organiser for the individual topic area.