At Monksmead we recognise the importance of the EYFS and how a positive start to school really does lay the strong foundations that can be built upon throughout every child’s education. We recognise that every child is unique with different strengths and interests. We support and enhance their learning and experiences so that they can make good individual progress in an inclusive environment.
Our intent is to give each child a safe and happy start to their school life where every child is supported and encouraged to reach their potential, in an environment that values independence, resilience, self-belief, curiosity and positive social interactions.
All of our classes have more adults than statutorily required as we recognise the importance of the adult in keeping our children safe, modelling play and language and being available to optimise in the moment learning opportunities.
Clear routines are established so that our children feel safe and know what to expect.
Our children will have access to good quality, stimulating and varied provision that will encourage them to explore and talk. We try to identify any necessary improvements in this area and plan for these accordingly.
We get to know our children very well. Before our children join any of our EYFS classes, we collect information about each child’s interests, their family life, their needs, likes and dislikes. We talk to our children on an ongoing basis and listen to their ideas and thoughts, encouraging them to share their interests and we communicate closely with our families. We then share information and practice with Year One staff to ensure smooth transitions and classroom provision that initially reflects that of the EYFS.
Once our children are settled, we begin a more formal process of establishing and recording each child’s starting point in the different areas against the age bands in Development Matters. From their starting points and subsequent assessments, the ‘next steps’ in their learning and development will be identified. These are shared with parents and children to ensure that both school and home can work together, optimising the learning and development of our children. Opportunities are planned and seized in the moment, to support children in achieving their next steps.
Expectations are realistic and high with clear modelling from both adults and peers. We openly discuss challenges and difficulties and explore ways of tackling these.
Examples of children trying hard and embracing the characteristics of effective learning are shared and praise focuses on not just outcomes but the processes and effort involved. Our children are encouraged to become independent by selecting resources with care and purpose. Children are encouraged to develop responsibility for their personal care and dressing with an adult on hand to support and model where necessary.
We model and celebrate positive interactions and encourage our child to use gestures and signs so that we can communicate with all of our children.
Our children will be assessed accurately so that their learning is always being moved on. We identify gaps and address these by supporting play during opportunities in ChIL and during focused adult led activities including nurture sessions. We share information regularly with parents and encourage them to share concerns and progress with us either in person or via our Learning Journey platform.
The majority of the class will have made GLD by the end of Reception. Those that have not achieved this will have made good individual progress based on their needs. These needs will have been documented and monitored during our pupil progress meetings.
Our children will enjoy exploring, asking questions and learning. They will tackle challenges and take pride in their achievements. They will be ready for Year One and Year One will be ready for them.